Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Differentiate the Real & Fake Skin79 BB Cream / 分辨真假Skin79

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韩国美人 Skin79 超级 BB霜(华语版)

本屋销售《女人我最大》说介绍的 韩国美人 Skin79 超级 BB霜 。它是通 過 韓 國 FDA 認 可 的,而且是现在世界最畅销,最红的 BB Cream哦!



台湾天后蔡依琳是韩国美人 Skin79 BB 霜的代言人哦!


Skin79 三重功效BB霜擁 有 美 白 / 改 善 皺 紋 / 抗UV 防 曬 因 子 SPF25PA++ / 21 種 營 養 成 分 / 調 理 油 脂 / 保 護 肌 膚 / 飾 底 乳 / 粉 餅 等, 以 一 瓶 就 能 達 到 多 重 防 護 功 效 作 為 研 發 此 產 品 的 新 概 念。

遮暇力 ★★★
輕透度 ★★★★★
功 能性 ★★★★
推開度 ★★★★★
適合肌肤 :自然和有性肌肤
最佳適合肌膚顏色 :自然膚色/偏白
特色 :適合玩水用/控油力中偏上

一瓶 :RM65
两瓶 :RM60 (每瓶)
三瓶 :RM55 (每瓶)

拥有鱼子精华,Q10 及黄金 GOLD 等 23 种成分,能呈现优雅细致的肤质 + 吹弹可破的肌肤 + 同时抵档 UVA 和 UVB + 柔白精华效果,让渐形老化及干燥肌肤更显年轻。

BB cream 在韓國相當火熱, 具備極佳嘅遮瑕效果,係裸裝嘅必需品。

遮暇力 ★★★
輕透度 ★★★★★
功 能性 ★★★★
推開度 ★★★★
適合肌肤 :自然和干性肌肤
最佳適合肌膚顏色: 自然膚色/偏白
一瓶 :RM75
两瓶 :RM70 (每瓶)
三瓶 :RM65 (每瓶)


Skin 79 Super+ BB Cream (English Version)

Skin 79 Super+ BB Cream is an advanced Korean BB Cream which approved by the Korea FDA and it is safe to use. Now, it is the most popular and best-selling BB Cream worldwide. It has also been introduced by the famous Taiwan TV Show < The Women>. 

<3 There're 2 collections available in Beauty Houz. <3

Taiwanese Top Singer, Jolin Tsai is also the spokesperson for Skin79 BB Super+ BB Cream.

Funtions (has multi-protective effects):
  • Whitening 
  • Wrinkle improvement
  • UV protection with SPF25PA + + 
  • 21 nutrient contents 
  • Tone-balancing
  • Oil control
  • Protection skin 
  • Act as primer / foundation  
Skin Type : Normal to oily skin
Color Tone : Medium
Coverage : Medium
Oil Control : Medium
Features : Suitable for water play

RM65 / bottle
RM60 each for 2 bottles
RM55 each for 3 bottles

Consists of caviar extract, Q10, and 23 kinds of elements such as gold.

  •  Contribute to elegant appearance & delicate skin
  • Wrinkle improvement 
  • UVA & UVB+ with SPF 25PA++
  • Firming & whitening 
  • Helps aging & dry skin looks younger
Skin Type : Normal to dry skin
Color Tone : Medium
Coverage : Medium
Features : Abundant nutrition of Gold and Caviar extract cares skin intensively to make shiny & healthy skin.

RM75 / bottle
RM70 each for 2 bottles
RM65 each for 3 bottles

Before & After

Shipping Rate 邮资


Pos Laju provide you the fastest and secure courier services. Although it is a little bit expensive than the normal parcel rate, but it takes about 2-3 days to deliver to your place. It need someone to sign and received, if not the postman will leave you a piece of note (should be yellow color). Then, you're required to bring along this note and collect your parcel at the Pos Laju Office stated in the note. **You can call 1300-300-300 request them to send 1 more time for free.** 

Shipping rate is counted by Pos Laju Malaysia postage system and it is based on the parcel weight.
Shipping fees are as below:

Country-State               1st  weight (gram) Price(RM)  Next weight (gram) Price(RM) Extra Charges  Max. weight (gram)

MALAYSIA - Sabah   500 9.00 250 2.50 0.00 % 2,000
MALAYSIA - Sarawak   500 8.50 250 2.00 0.00 % 2,000
MALAYSIA - KL City   500 6.90 250 1.30 0.00 % 2,000
MALAYSIA-Peninsular   500 6.90 250 1.30 0.00 % 2,000

For All parcel that exceed 2000gram/2kg:
MALAYSIA - Sabah                                                   Exceed 2000gm=RM40 Next 500gm=RM5 Max.weight 3000gm
MALAYSIA - Sarawak                                               Exceed 2000gm=RM34 Next 500gm=RM4.6 Max.weight30000gm
MALAYSIA - KL City                                                  Exceed 2000gm=RM18 Next 500gm=RM2 Max.weight30000 gm
MALAYSIA - Peninsular                                             Exceed 2000gm=RM22 Next 500gm=RM2.6 Max.weight30000gm


This service is provided by Post Office Malaysia. It is one of the secure courier services, but the delivery time is much more longer than others courier services. 

**Parcel need to be signed by receiver or representative to assure the item has delivered to your hand. ''Parcel'' is only for 2pcs and above, we will send by Pos Ekspress if you buy 1 item, without notice.

Parcel Rates for Posting Via LAND/SEA Within Malaysia
Parcel Rates For Posting Via AIR Within Malaysia


Pos Ekspress Malaysia  is just a A4 size envelope, only can put 1-2 clothes or small items which not exceeding 500gram. So, when you buy 3-10pcs item / weight exceeded 500gm, I don't encourage you to take this category. Thank you!  
Pos Ekspress will deliver to your house within 2 days. For west M'sia need 1 day to deliver, while Sabah & Sarawak will reach within 2 days.  
**No need to sign, postman will direct put into your mail box.

Shipping rate is counted by Pos Laju Malaysia postage system and it is based on the parcel weight.
Shipping fees are as below:

Country - State 1st weight (gram) Price(RM) Next weight  (gram) Price(RM) Extra charges Maximum weight  (gram)
MALAYSIA - Sarawak 500 4.50 0 0.00 0.00 % 500
MALAYSIA - Same City 500 4.50 0 0.00 0.00 % 500
MALAYSIA - Sabah 500 4.50 0 0.00 0.00 % 500
MALAYSIA - Peninsular 500 4.50 0 0.00 0.00 % 500


You may pick up on next day after you made appointment.   
You may make appointment with Ms Carmen by CALLING (do not msg) 016 - 200 1937 or MSN : carmen_sweety1989@hotmail.com one week before picking up your items. She will confirm the venue and time with you then.  
Self-pick up will be charging extra fee of RM5, except for TAR College Area, Wangsa Maju Area and Selayang Mall Area will be delivered for free. We reserve the right to change the time at last minute for any inconveniences. 

Thank You!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Dear Beauties! Welcome to the Beauty Houz!

Hi everyone,

First of all, thank you for visiting this blog! Beauty Houz is officially open now. ^^ We're selling various beauty products as well as fashion clothing~ So, please enjoy yourself here by this online shopping ya. 

To me, every lady is beautiful coz' there're no ugly lady, but lazy! ^^ So, we must make full use of the charisma we have and groom ourselves into a beautiful and attractive lady! So, what are you waiting for? Let's crack it!

If you have any question, you may leave me a message on the chatbox at your right ya. I'll reply you as soon as I can!  ^^ 

If you're interested in ordering, you may contact me by e-mail : beauty.houz@gmail.com and send the following details to my mailbox ya.

Order : (your order with code, product's name, price)
Contact No. : 

Then, I'll reply you your e-mail with the total amount (includes postage) that you need to pay ya~ 

Thank you so much for the supports, babes! <3